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10-11-12 Fine Arts Commission Minutes
Meeting of October 11, 2012

Vice Chair Florence Schroeter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  

PRESENT:  Regina Barall; Terrye Blackstone; Glynis McKenzie; Judy Okeson;
       Maureen Rodgers; Betty Russell; Dan Russell; Florence Schroeter;  
        Prescille Yamamoto.       
 ABSENT:    Karen Howe (excused); Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien (excused); Valerie Scheer (excused);
                Sue Tukey (excused).
MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
To approve the minutes of September 13, 2012
        Corrections:  Page 1  extend not extent
                         Page 1  Parks and Recreation not Park and Recreation
                         Page 3 Music, Nautilus Brass Quintet
                Approved with corrections.

III.    CHAIR’S REPORT                          
Vice Chair Florence Schroeter reported she is covering for Chair Howe due to a medical emergency with Karen’s son.

IV.     CORRESPONDENCE                                          None.                           
Maureen Rodgers reported that Elizabeth Thomas will be working with middle school students 3 Wednesdays the end of November beginning of December.  She will be working with senior citizens from Jefferson Day Care as well.  A performance will take place upon completion and Maureen will report the date and place at the November meeting.

Art  - Teacher’s Art Exhibit November 30, December 1 and December 2
Dan Russell reported that the Teacher’s Art Exhibit is postponed until November 30, December 1 and December 2 due to a teacher conflict on October 26.  It will still be at the Brewer House.

Terrye Blackstone reported there will be an Art League demonstration with artist Shauna Shane on October 14 from 2-4 pm.

Terrye also distributed an article from the Hartford Courant featuring artist Clinton Deckert.

        Holiday Fest
Betty Russell reported that “Buffa” will be performing on Saturday, December 8, at the EHCCC for Holiday Fest.  Time will be announced next month.

Music – Paul Bisaccia December 2012, May 2013
        Whiffenpoofs – Fall of 2013
Florence Schroeter reported that the piano will be tuned prior to the December Paul Bisaccia performance.

Regina Barall reported that the program has started.   Teacher is working with 2 classes each week.
EHSYF                                           No report at this time.

Regina Barall discussed having the February Black History month program at Silver Lane School.  Discussion was held by Commissioners stating that the program can not focus on one school but must be open to the elementary school population throughout town.  
MOTION          By Prescille Yamamoto
                        Seconded by Dan Russell
To Table report to allow Regina Barall to explore other options for Black History Month program to include all elementary schools.

Film Series                                     No report at this time.

Children’s Programs                             No report at this time.

EHPS Mini-Grant                         
Applications are due on October 19.  The clerk will pick them up from Laura White and mail to the sub-committee (Betty Russell, Judy Okeson, Maureen Rodgers and Prescille Yamamoto).
Awards will be given at the November meeting.

Discussion was held on Children’s Programs and money not allotted this year.  Money was given to Circle of Life in June for a summer Children’s Program because of extra funds.  This will be looked at as the year progresses.         

VII.    NEW BUSINESS                                    
Terrye Blackstone recommended a letter be written to the Library to support displaying of Purchase Awards after the expansion.  Discussion was held and Maureen Rodgers stated that she had attended a meeting that discussed an exhibit room as well as wall space throughout the library.

Florence Schroeter will discuss this issue at the Library Commission meeting this month.

                        Theresa Godreau (clerk fee)                             $80.00
                        Shauna Shane (demonstration)                            $150.00
                        Circle of Life (Willowbrook)                            $1000.00
                        EH Gazette (ads, organ recital & brass quintet)         $125.00
                        Glynis McKenzie (flyers for music programs in September)        $ 18.08

MOTION  By Dan Russell
                Seconded byTerrye Blackstone
                To pay the bills as submitted.
                Approved  (one abstention- Prescille Yamamoto).

IX.     MEMBER’S CONCERNS                                       
Prescille Yamamoto reported that a “Lantern Tour” at Center Cemetery is being held on October 13 at 6:30.  Maureen Rodgers reported that will be a Cedar Hill Cemetery tour also.

MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Judy Okeson
To adjourn the meeting at 7:52 pm.
The next Fine Arts Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 8, 2012, 7:00 p.m.  at the EHCCC, 50 Chapman Place, Room 12.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk